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Drama is a Magnet for Stress.

Drama is a Magnet for Stress.

Whether it's the workplace, relationships, family, friendships, social media, or society, drama can act as a magnet for stress.

Personally, I have developed a strong aversion to drama. Reflecting on the past 18 months, I realised that I inadvertently welcomed drama into my life and even tolerated it, inadvertently encouraging its presence.

It was then that a lightbulb went off in my mind.

I stepped back a looked at how I was reacting and the cost of the reactions...

😫 Consumed hours and hours of my days going down rabbit holes and engaging with the drama.

😫 Continued discussions way past a point there was going to be a useful outcome.

😫 Gave away my presence, mood and well-being to the drama.

😫 Invested time, energy and money into drama situations which were paying next to nothing back to me.

I could go on and on.

The most important part of this message is that I realised and I put a stop to it.

How did I do that?

  • I cut out all dramatic people that I could, and I mean all.
  • Those I could not cut instantly, I put very firm boundaries in place (against them and myself) to prevent them getting under my skin
  • I managed my own interactions with the drama queens I couldn't totally cut so I reduced interactions, avoided engagement and held my tongue to remove their power.
  • I looked closely at how I was contributing to the drama and I worked hard on responding and not reacting. Often I don't even respond.

I get you can't cut everyone out who is pure box office Hollywood drama, but you can manage your responses and you can put some boundaries up and not encourage them.

It's amazing how people de-escalate when you just don't even engage with the drama journey they thrive off. I call these drama lovers Hollywood.

Cut drama. Reduce stress.

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