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Enough With the ‘1% Better Everyday’ Garbage.

Enough With the ‘1% Better Everyday’

I hope this one kicks off. It's frustrating to hear phrases like:

🤦🏻‍♂️ “Be better today”
🤦🏻‍♂️ “Go get 1% better today”
🤦🏻‍♂️ “Better never stops”

I hope the “More and Better Goggins club” have their super resilient feathers ruffled. 

I don’t want to be 1% better every single day, and I don’t want my clients to be 1% better everyday.

I want people to find contentment, fulfilment and satisfaction through exploration and growth. 

To build the life you want to lead, and enjoy the process.

Not chase this rainbow 🌈 of never ending 1%’s, how many percents better can one get?🤷🏻‍♂️

If I or anyone I work with ends up with a bit more of something, or becoming a bit better at something then that’s great.

But it’s not the outcome.

It shouldn’t be the destination.

It is the by product of the work being done. 

I think trying to be ‘better every day’ is a fools errand. 

Permanently chasing more and better is a fast track to a lack of presence, satisfaction and fulfilment in any area. 

I want to reflect on a day and ask myself if I enjoyed my work today, did I move towards my goals? Was I present at home? 

Don’t ask yourself did I get better today. 

Because you are not defined by your job, you ability to master a skill or a thoughts, feelings or behaviour on a single day. 

You’re defined by your efforts, mentality, choice to get back up and go again, you your approach and the pursuit of your goals.

You’ll get better. Who cares by how many % 🤷🏻‍♂️, what even is the end point of this buzzword metric? 

The more and better will happen if you focus on 

  • 👉 Your processes 
  • 👉 Keeping a healthy mind & body
  • 👉 Filling up on knowledge 
  • 👉 Seeking positive experiences 
  • 👉 Protecting your time and energy
  • 👉 Recharging like a pro

Focus on things you can control not imaginary percentages which make no sense that dimfluencers use as taglines.

Growth isn’t linear, so there is no need to measure it as such. 

Fail forward, dust off, go again, learn, grow, repeat. 

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