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Leading With Vulnerability. Put Yourself Out There.

Leading with vulnerability. Put yourself out there.

Changing our limiting beliefs and the narrative around opening up and being vulnerable is going to have a huge impact on people’s mental and emotional well-being.

The limiting beliefs (especially in men) are holding us back.

👉 I don’t want to air my laundry in public.

👉 This person will think I am weak if I say I’m finding things hard at the moment.

👉 I’m less trustable if this person thinks I have ‘issues’.

👉 People have their own drama. They don’t need mine as well.

👉 The world is negative enough without everyone hearing of my challenges.

👉 People will think I’m less capable as a leader if they see I’m struggling with workload, volume or intensity.

The reality could not be further from the truth. Leading and expressing vulnerability does these things…

✅ Empowers those around you to be open and express their worries and challenges.

✅ Creates a healthy, psychologically safe environment where employees, friends and families can address concerns collaboratively.

✅ Acknowledges the absolute FACT that no one is tippy top every single day.

✅ Empowers those around you to support you. Good people like to help people, so help them to help you.

✅ Shows confidence and strength of character to rise above the ridiculous societal notion that vulnerability makes you weak.

✅ Releases the grip that false expectations place on you of being the energy giver and invincible leader.

So be a leader to your partner, friends, family and colleagues and make vulnerability as socially acceptable as complaining, criticising and comparing has become.

I’ll lead us out. At the moment I am struggling with reacting quickly and negatively to people, situations and conversations I don’t like/want to be part of. I go down the negative rabbit hole very quickly and I am working hard on this. It’s bloody hard!

Who would like to be strong as an ox and share something they are struggling with?

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