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Is It Time for Some Mental House Keeping?

happiness health
Mental House Keeping

How often do you tidy up at home?

I’m assuming that you’ll tidy up pretty much every day that you/someone else makes a mess. Next day you’ll do it all again, only this time possibly adjust to make less mess or don’t let the kid near the condiments!

Maybe once a week or two, you’ll probably give the place a decent going over. There’s a daily accumulation of dust, dirt, and grime which your daily maintenance doesn’t handle.

Then every so often, especially if you’re not on top of your daily/weekly clean-ups. Things have got out of control and there is some serious work to be done. You’re going to need to invest some time, energy and maybe money to fix this.

A bit like your health and well-being really. You need to clean house daily, weekly and monthly or you nudge closer and closer to more wholesale interventions.

Of course, I’m talking here about the specific elements of self-care which are maintenance, regenerating and recovering.

Over the many years, I’ve been observing my girlfriend cleaning and tidying up (often I can’t see what needs tidying though 🤷🏻‍♂️). She’s a tidy person, me less so. One thing I’ve noticed is that she’ll do a deep clean of something (which absolutely does not need tidying at all!), and it coincides with times when she has something she is processing, dealing with some challenge or someone/thing has disrupted her energy.

She’s cleaning the house 🧠. She’s working on her mental health whilst doing a task which needed doing (or not!!).

If you can keep up with your daily tidy-ups, and weekly clean-ups, you can avoid the mass clean-up operation and interventions.

What are your daily well-being tidy-ups?


Weekly well-being clean-ups?

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