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Setting Boundaries in The Workplace

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If you don’t set your boundaries, then someone else is going to do that for you.

Setting healthy boundaries is an essential part of maintaining a positive work environment and protecting your time and energy. It is crucial to establish clear limits for yourself and to communicate them effectively to others, sometimes this means managing upwards which can be challenging. When you set healthy boundaries in the workplace, you can prevent burnout, reduce stress, and maintain a positive work-life balance.

Here are some tips on how you can do that


This ideally starts during the interview process, gaining a clear understanding of what the demands of the job are on an ‘average week’ gives you a clear reference point for a conversation. “Can you give me an idea of the average week in the job please?” and/or “what would expect the average weekly working hours to be?”.  If you have a reference point then you can do two things, realise early that it isn’t the job for you if things don’t align to your boundaries. Also, give yourself a foundation for a conversation if what was told to you does not align to the expectation in post.


The first step in setting healthy boundaries in the workplace is to identify your needs and limits. What do you need to feel comfortable and respected at work? What behaviours or actions are not acceptable to you? Once you have identified your needs and limits, you can communicate them clearly to others.  This can also be related to your time, working hours and expectation.


It is crucial to communicate your boundaries clearly and professionally. This means using “I” statements to express how you feel and what you need. For example, instead of saying “You always give me too much work,” you could say, “I am concerned about my workload and would appreciate your help prioritising tasks.”


Once you have communicated your boundaries, it is essential to be consistent in enforcing them. This means not compromising your needs and values to please others, and not giving in when others try to cross your boundaries. It can be challenging to enforce your boundaries, especially if you have a history of people-pleasing, but it is essential for your own well-being.  The toughest direction to do this is vertically, your line manager and senior leadership don’t often play by the same rules as you. It can be that you need to address it upfront and early on “I just wanted to say that if I don’t pick up or respond to communication out of hours, I am not being disrespectful to you. I always try to bring a ton of energy and if I don’t switch off and try to recharge after the working day is done, then I end up burning out and my standards drop”.


Setting healthy boundaries is not just about enforcing your own limits, but also about respecting the boundaries of others. When you communicate your own boundaries, make sure you listen to and respect the boundaries of your colleagues and supervisors as well. This will help build mutual respect and trust in your workplace relationships.  Not only this but ask people what their left and right limits are “I just wanted to ask when is it acceptable to contact you? I always switch my phone off when I leave work, so I want to make sure I respect your boundaries as well”.


This is very often overlooked, but in helping professions, or leadership roles there is always something to do, someone else who ‘needs us’. We have to be strict with things like switching off our devices outside office hours, not bringing work home, not giving out personal numbers, and having robust strategies to not bring work home.  Respect your own boundaries.


If you struggle with setting healthy boundaries in the workplace, seek support from a supervisor, HR, or a trusted colleague. They can help you identify your needs and provide guidance on how to communicate your boundaries effectively.

Setting healthy boundaries in the workplace is crucial for maintaining a positive work environment and preventing burnout. It is always easiest to get them established as early as possible when starting a new role. It can be a really delicate process, especially in one of your first roles, when managing upwards or when your line manager appears to have no boundaries. So, if you are struggling and need some support, please reach out HERE.

By identifying your needs and limits, communicating them clearly and professionally, and being consistent in enforcing them, you can create a workplace that supports your well-being and helps you thrive. Remember to respect the boundaries of others and seek support when needed.

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