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Smallest Worthwhile Change.

Smallest Worthwhile Change.

This is an idea around doing the minimum, the minimum you can do in order to get some sort of meaningful change in anything.

We all have this sense of ideal, best-case scenario and desired outcomes. These expectations go a great way to explaining why we fall off the wagon with exercise and nutrition, projects, deadlines and commitments.  We are aiming for perfection, and if the outcome doesn’t fit in line with this ideal scenario we’ll throw in the towel.

The thing is, missing one training session shouldn’t mean you can the program, one day of procrastination and brain fog doesn’t mean you quit the project, a rubbish days eating doesn’t mean you should can your healthy habits and go full slob mode!

❓ What if you could learn to accept that you are not going to be perfect all the time?

❓What if you compromise with yourself and do a deal to do a 20min workout instead of the 60 you had planned, and lock in 60mins later in the week?

❓ What if you stopped throwing the baby out with the bath water πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ›, and accepted an unproductive day doesn’t make an unproductive week?

❓ What if you re-framed your achievement? “Today wasn’t a superb day, I’m so glad I got 20mins training instead of zero”.

❓ What if you changed the narrative and celebrate the positive achievement and not the incompletion of your goal?

This is not a get-out-of-hard work and productivity card you can pull whenever you want.  This is a be kind to yourself card you need to use when you’re under the pump and struggling.

Yesterday I woke up late and missed out on 80% of what I usually like to do in the morning. I started on the back foot but made a conscious decision to do one or two things I usually do, to a high level, and accept that is what I got done today and that’s that. 

I wasn’t going to focus on what did not happen, that doesn’t exist anyway, so I shifted and doubled down on the value of the 20% I DID get done.

The subtle shift changed the trajectory of my day and the smallest worthwhile change was actually pretty massive.

So, instead of canning everything and writing off a project, day, week, month, start to think about things slightly differently.

What is the smallest worthwhile change you can make today?

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