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Time to Say Goodbye…

To the dead wood you might be carrying around.

In order to progress and build the life you want, you’ll need to cut away the dead wood from your life and remove the things which are no longer serving you. 

I often think of these as… 

  1. The people around you
  2. Your environment
  3. Your habits & behaviour

The people around you
Essentially these are the people who you spend your time with personally and professionally, generally they either give you energy or take your energy away from you. 

Are they you people? Are they supporting you, dragging you down or indifferent? Align your time and energy to that accordingly.

Your environment
The places, people, situations, where you spend your time all influence how you think, feel and behave. Some place raise you up and some drain you. It’s bloody tough to progress and be the person you want to be in a place which drains you.

Your habits & behaviours
Are they serving you? It’s simple, but it isn’t easy. You probably know (deep down) if you are cruising, seeking comfort or making excuses with your habits. Poor habits and behaviours compound the same way that good ones do, make your choices.

I say this as I, like every other human on this planet has had issues with all 3 areas in my life. 

I say this with love ❤️. 

Cut the dead wood, it allows you to zoom in on what's truly important in your life.

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