What Came Home to Roost for You This Week?
In a world full of hacks and distractions, it’s super easy to get lost and caught up.
Sometimes, the universe gives you a little nudge that just because you’re on the right path doesn’t mean you can sit still.
So here are some of my realisations which showed up in some way, shape or form this week.
1. Living your life is more important than your job.
Jobs come and go; moments can’t be re-run. Make you choices.
2. Protect your energy.
More importantly protect ‘when’ you need to have energy. Don’t expect to deliver high quality at the end of a hectic week, poor sleep and travel. Block off the time needed to get set for the high energy tasks/times.
3. Mistakes mistakes mistakes.
These multiply when tired and fuelling poorly. But also, mistakes happen, accept, process and figure out how not to repeat. Your best is brilliant.
4. Your perception is not reality.
It is not how others see you, is often mood dependent and more often than not a more negative view of self not a positive one.
5. R&R is the performance enhancer hiding in plain sight.
Reload effectively and issues aren’t as significant, hills aren’t as high, and challenges aren’t as insurmountable.
6. Compounding.
Stack up your 💩 habits or stack up your positive ones. They both make interest.
7. It’s not really urgent is it.
Very very few things are. Get a grip of what is actually important in life.
8. High performance is not an accident.
You reap what you sew. Drill your skills or you’ll get found out.
9. Life is about choices.
Choose to stay put or choose the discomfort of change.
10. Patience and consistency.
Get results. End of.
11. Inject some life into your parenting.
More enjoyable time with kids, less stress, better sleep all round, more smiles and laughs. You need to lead this. You.
12. Stop putting everyone else first.
If I keep supporting and giving for free to others and their businesses, then I can’t drive mine and build my dreams.
There we go. Lots of great things and brilliant lessons.
Keep on trucking.
Any of these resonate for you this week?
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