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You're Not Losing the Battle With Your Emotional Brain.

Often it feels like we're in a fight with our emotional brain for control.

Sometimes, autopilot kicks in and we wonder how the hell a certain situation spiralled so badly...that'll be your emotional brain doing it's thing.

Trying to protect you in the only way it knows: Fight-flight-freeze-fawn.

That's its job. To keep you safe. Occasionally we need it, often it's a self-sabotage.

But, just because we are stuck in a difficult meeting, traffic or we drop our toast (spread down), that doesn't mean you're not safe.

We got to send that message back up to HQ, "this is difficult, I'm safe here and I don't need to react. I got this."

So every single time you choose to respond not react you're taking a step forward towards control of your emotional actions and reinforcing your new way of being.

Maybe you just can't see how far you've come...yet.

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