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Your 5 Most Valuable Assets

happiness health wealth

This article is about protection.  It is about protecting your 5 most valuable assets as if your life depends on it, because it kind of does.

If you don’t protect and look after these assets then people, organisations and environments will take advantage of them. 

A lot of these points are heavily related to boundaries, which is essential because if you don’t create your own, then someone else will create them for you.



It’s a finite resource. You can’t get it back and you can invest it as you choose to, so be cautious about who you give your time to, and where you spend your time and consider if how you use your time is really helping you to get to where you want to be.


You also have a limited amount of this, or at least a limit on the amount of attention, deep work, and presence you can give to someone or something before you are simply offering diminishing returns.

Where you put your energy and how you protect it from the energy hoovers is probably more important than how much time you have.  Read more about how to manage your energy not your time HERE.


It is an obvious one but let’s look at it in the context of personal and professional development. I think we have all put money into a course, mentorship, workshop, manual or book which didn’t give us back what we had hoped for and it is disappointing, to say the least.

Be strategic about where you put your money. Do your research and map out in great detail what you need and when in order to progress, it might not be another piece of paper around the X’s & O’s, it might be some personal development from a coach to help you understand you, and explore your limitations, stories and self-imposed barriers. Career periodisation is a way that you can map your professional pathway effectively and efficiently.

As a quick side note, if you are looking for a mentor, do your research and interview prospective mentors. You need to know that they can support you with your specific problems and build you a bespoke solution if they want your money.  HERE is a great place to start.


This one may be less professional and more personal. It seems obvious really doesn’t it, but how often do we hear of people getting into relationships and realising ‘our values just aren’t aligned’ or ‘we just don’t want the same things’.  I’ve certainly done it and got burnt.  I should have protected my heart a bit better.  Also, I always encourage people to be cautious when talking about love and your job. Always keep in mind you are loved whilst you are employed, when you are not needed/wanted anymore then you are on the scrap heap quick as a flash. Be careful, and maybe reserve your love for people who will reciprocate it genuinely and consistently.


Without your health you will grind to a halt.  It may not be today or even tomorrow, but without investing in your health you’re inviting ill health and disease into your life. Your health is the foundation of everything that we do, and the foundation of sustainability.

You cannot deliver high performance to anyone in your life without a solid foundation of physical, mental and emotional health. It takes work, energy, time and investment to create and maintain a healthy life.  Let’s not forget that a healthy life is the cornerstone of professional sustainability for athletes, coaches, practitioners. Everyone.

If you protect your 5 biggest assets as if your life depended on them, then you start to align things so that you can live the life you want to live in the way you want to live it.  It is never easy, but looking after your assets properly is a sure-fire way to experience positive growth over time.

I hope you enjoyed this short read.


The Practitioner Wellness Guy

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