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Thrive: The Stress Toolkit

In the moment stress reduction and changing your relationship with stress for good.


Join the community built for people looking to manage their personal and professional stressors more effectively. Gain exclusive access to 2 monthly calls, group coaching and the power of peer to peer support in the community app.

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Doors close on 20th September.

What You’ll Find Inside the Community

Easy access, digestible content centred around addressing overwhelm, anxiety and exhaustion caused by your personal and professional stress. Gain access to subject matter experts from elite sport, military, psychology to support you in building healthy coping strategies and changing your relationship with stress. Content is broken down into the groups below to make it accessible, super simple to navigate and time efficient.

Calm in Chaos

Tactics and strategies to manage stress in the moment. Creating and maintaining tools which work for you personally and professionally.

Your Relationship with Stress

Challenge and change your relationship with stress to build calm, clarity and headspace even in high stress and pressure situations.


Un-cover the power of breathwork for managing stress in the moment and making sustainable change. Recordings, live bonus sessions and resources.

Struggles and Challenges

The heartbeat of the community is your story. Share your own challenges and pain points, and gain moderator and peer-to-peer support.


The session library where all recorded session content from the monthly masterclasses lives for future reference and community interaction.

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Doors close on 20th September.

Change your relationship with stress for good. Learn to respond and not react to stress even under extreme pressure. Here is how the community will support you…

Group Coaching

Monthly live peer to peer support for your struggles and challenges.

Monthly Masterclasses

Topics lead by the group including but not limited to:

  • Boundaries.
  • Self-care in the fast lane.
  • Burnout prevention.
  • Breathwork for calm and stress reduction.
  • Special forces and racing driver stress reduction.
  • Super-hero complex.
  • Thoughts, feelings and emotions.
  • Switching off.
Community Groups

Specific community groups based on creating calm in chaos, changing your relationship with stress, breathwork, struggles & amp; challenges and masterclasses library.

Content Library

Complete access to the masterclass library as well as resources, infographics,
recording and recommendations from subject matter experts.

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Doors close on 20th September.



Josh is able to work his decades worth of experience with elite performers into a format that is easy to understand and follow, working with Dr Pete Olusoga he has produced a programme to help prevent and rehab from burnout.


Neil Ready
Tactical Operations Command Inspector, Kent Police.



The work that we have done has allowed me to not be controlled by my everyday stressors.

It's a style of coaching and communicating on your level, which just gets results. 




Group community calls have been fantastic for me.

Being in a safe space to open up as has allowed to me to share my burden, which I think may have actually helped others as well.



The way these guys communicate, support and engage has been a catalyst for some pretty significant changes for me.

Thank you guys.



I'm not dominated by stress any longer. I know how to manage things in the moment and now I can reflect and reset much more effectively as well.


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Doors close on 20th September.

What You'll Get:

  • Exclusive access to all Thrive: The Stress Toolkit.
  • Monthly online masterclasses on topics such as switching off,
    super-hero complex, burnout prevention, breathwork for stress
    reduction, in the moment stress reduction and boundaries.
    Member-led content.
  • Live monthly Q&A group coaching calls.
  • Expert community moderators and contributors.
  • Access to all recorded master classes.
  • Library of stress management recorded content, articles and
  • Interactive mobile app.
  • Virtual meetups and community chat.
  • Peer to peer support. Useful links and resources from the wellness and health profession.

Free Bonus Material for All Members:

  • FREE copy of the Imposter Syndrome manual.
  • FREE Morning Mastery and Career Crossroads manuals.
  • 25% off the ‘Thrive’ stress management course.
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Doors close on 20th September.

I'm Josh Fletcher

For years I accumulated stress, often inviting it into my life without effectively managing or receiving from it. As a result, I burnt out, falling asleep behind the wheel of my car on the motorway. I always put everyone else’s needs before my own, my default was yes and there was no line between work and my personal life. That moment on the motorway changed my life, my relationship with stress and my fascination for sharing and supporting others

I have 18+ years of experience as a human performance coach working with Olympic medal-winning programs, the military Special Forces, F2/F3 racing drivers and corporate professionals from the likes of PwC, Deloitte and Capita. I gave my life and soul to every job and client. As part of my military role I was sent to NATO Special Forces HQ to do a course called 'Mental Performance & Resilience', this is where I added layers of knowledge around stress and pressure and began to apply these skills to the context of my own and my clients lives.

Now, I help organisations and senior leaders, people managers and talented corporate professionals to thrive alongside the extreme demands, pressure and stress of the job. I use my own lived experience and extensive experience within sport, the special forces and Motorsport to support other in managing stress, burnout, switching off from high-pressure situations and of course building boundaries is at the heart of my work.


Dr Pete Olusoga, PhD

For almost two decades I’ve been exploring stress, burnout, and well-being. I’m a BPS Chartered Psychologist, a Senior Lecturer in Psychology, and I completed my PhD in 2012, focusing on stress and coping in elite sports coaching. My current research focuses on burnout, well-being, and creating sustainability in high-performance environments. I’ve written extensively on the topic of burnout and well-being, and have worked with and presented to a number of sport organisations and businesses to help cultivate more sustainable well-being offers.  

I’ve been an invited speaker, panellist, and host, at many sport, health, and well-being events and international conferences, delivering conference keynotes, symposia, and workshops on topics such as self-care, mindfulness, imposter phenomenon, stress, burnout, psychological well-being, and diversity and inclusion, and I’m also the producer and host of the award-winning podcast, Eighty Percent Mental, where I explore the psychology underpinning performance, sport, health, and well-being.  

Drawing on my extensive research and work with high-performance organsiations, I focus on the importance of organisational and cultural change for sustainable well-being, in addition to inclusive, evidence-based strategies that allow individuals to truly thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Doors close on 20th September.

Are you ready to take control of your stress and your well-being for good?


Join Thrive: The Stress Toolkit Today

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Doors close on 20th September.