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The Blog

This is a space where I share ideas, thoughts and practical strategies for individuals and organisations to take a bit more control of their happiness, health and wealth. Some concepts are novel, whilst others have been around for centuries, I just package them for our modern attention-sapping society.

Occasionally guest writers will contribute their content so I can share ideas through a different lens.ย  I hope you enjoy the blog.

Imposter Syndrome Flipped happiness health wealth

Imposter Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that affects many coaches. It is defined as a...

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Self-care is not a luxury, itโ€™s a necessity happiness health wealth

We’ve all heard the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”....

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Thinking Small About Stress and Burnout guest blogs

We’re constantly told to think big.

We’re told we need to dare to dream big, shoot...

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Canโ€™t Stop Thinking About Work? How to Detach And Be Present guest blogs happiness health wealth

One of the major struggles of the coaches I work with is that they can’t be present....

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Coaching Under Pressure: Part Two guest blogs happiness health wealth

Coaching can be stressful. While coaching manuals often talk about the different roles that...

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Coaching Under Pressure: Part One โ€“ What Exactly is Stress? guest blogs happiness health

Twitter is great. I mean, at first I thought it was an outlet for the self-indulgent, a way for...

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Your 5 Most Valuable Assets happiness health wealth

This article is about protection.  It is about protecting your 5 most valuable assets...

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Why I Got Rejected for 5 Major Interviews happiness health wealth

In 2016 I applied for 5 BIG jobs, the biggest opportunities of my career at that point. 


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Burnout, What is it? guest blogs happiness health wealth

I’m currently on the Thrive course run by Josh Fletcher and Dr Peter Olusoga. The...

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Setting Boundaries in The Workplace happiness health wealth

If you don’t set your boundaries, then someone else is going to do that for you.


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3 Unusual Benefits Of Journaling the journals

Journaling is a powerful tool that has been used by individuals for centuries to document their...

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3 Questions Which Will Build Trust, Support and a Healthier Working Environment happiness health wealth

A healthy organisational culture is built on a foundation of care, empowerment, and...

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2 Key Ingredients For Managing Stress in Workplace happiness health wealth

According to the American Stress Institute, almost 80% of us feel stress on the job, with...

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