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The Blog

This is a space where I share ideas, thoughts and practical strategies for individuals and organisations to take a bit more control of their happiness, health and wealth. Some concepts are novel, whilst others have been around for centuries, I just package them for our modern attention-sapping society.

Occasionally guest writers will contribute their content so I can share ideas through a different lens.  I hope you enjoy the blog.

Stop Trying to Level Up! An Alternative View on Levelling Down

There's always a bit of pressure to keep improving. Phrases like "better never stops" and "rise...

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I Just Took the Longest Break I've Had in 2 Years. It Was 4 Days. burnout health stress management

I found it very hard to switch off and it took me 2 days to surrender.

Super hard to remain...

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Strategy, Tactics and Stress Management.

Tactics without a strategy is going to keep you going in circles.

Strategy without the tactics...

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Don’t Make the Mistake of Being What You Do.

You are not your job. 

You are not your business.

For 15 of my 18 years in elite sport,...

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Time to Say Goodbye…

To the dead wood you might be carrying around.

In order to progress and build the life you want,...

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How I Recovered From Burnout in 2 Steps
*This is a picture of me post burnout, 2 years later, I had hair, my beard ruled the roost and I...
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You Encourage What You Tolerate.

So if you say yes to everything then you soon become the yes guy/gal. 

You’ve set...

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A Few Thoughts About Thoughts.

I've been ruminating on thinking traps, patterns, biases and what I now think is the myth of...

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No Mans Land.

You need to change.

But the pain of staying the same isn't quite great enough to force your hand.

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Men, Toughen Up. Stop Being a Woos. Man Up.

You read that right.

That’s what guys should do if they say they are struggling.

Guys should...

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What Came Home to Roost for You This Week?

In a world full of hacks and distractions, it’s super easy to get lost and caught up.

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Obstacles to Opportunties.

We've all heard the phrases...
Use the difficulty
Find the positive
Every cloud has a silver lining

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6 Reasons Why I Saw Soldiers Fail Special Forces Selection.

1Didn't adapt well
The individual adaptability and resilience to cope with the accumulative stress...

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